My name is David McGlumphy. I live in East Texas which is a good hot bed for artists, a lot of chances for good pictures and places that I can use as inspiration for my art. I have done two book covers so far and I have a children’s poem book under my belt with Trevor Smith. Right at the time of the release of the poem I was offered full time with JEA and I have not looked back, I love working with the company and I enjoy seeing what the future brings.
My style of art is mostly horror related, but I look to expand on that as I get better. I am a beginning artist but I have confidence I can go far with digital art, it’s the medium most art is going to for book covers and illustrations, I am always available for any commissions for covers and or illustrations.
Links :
Website: http://davidmcglumphy.weebly.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Art-of-David-McGlumphy/463325813798898
Deviantart: http://dmcglu82.deviantart.com/
1) What are some of your major inspirations as an artist?
Growing up, my older brother was always drawing or sculpting, I took most of my inspirations from him, I also look at other artists work and practice drawing using techniques I see they are using in their works.
A huge influence on my work is William Stout he has done production designs for movies such as: Return of the Living Dead and Invaders from Mars. I watched an interview with him and he gave a piece of advice I live by “As an artist if you are doing a work and you can’t give 100% then perhaps art is not for you” I have a lot to learn with art yet, but I take each inspiration I get as a stepping stone for bettering myself. My girlfriend has been my biggest fan and inspiration for my work, she has been the one to keep me focused.
2) How long have you been working with digital art and design?
Back in 2005 there was a show called Screen Savers on Tech TV and on occasion they would have Photoshop tutorials to do at home, I would go to the website and follow them, I always had fun with it. Then in 2013 I took a huge interest in digital art. I saw how some very cool pieces of art could be made on the PC, so I looked into what I needed. For my birthday last year my sister bought me my first drawing tablet and I haven’t looked back, I am a beginner learning new things all the time.
3) You started as an intern at J Ellington Ashton Press, has it been a good experience?
It has been a great experience, I work with some amazing people, and Susan Simone -its amazing working with her, her knowledge of digital art, and drawing in general is amazing. Working with the authors to get them a solid and amazing cover is a dream, I have to thank Catt Dahman for seeing my art and giving me a chance at this I have always dreamed of working for a company doing art.
4) What sorts of covers have you done as a JEA cover artist?
Let see, my first cover I did was for TL Decay for Piecing Undead, a simple looking cover with many aspects to it. I have also done the cover for Lucky Ducks by Trevor Smith it is a children’s poem book, I did all the illustrations inside. I am in the process of working on a cover for Daniel Durrant’s The Preta Pathogen. Making a cover is a fun but stressful process. In the end seeing your art on a book cover is a exciting and sometimes emotional feeling, seeing your name in a book for the first time makes it really sink in that you have done it, made a dream come true.
5) Has it been challenging transitioning from intern to artist?
It has a bit, as a intern I made digital images taking people’s photos and making them into zombie or other horror creatures. My first true test- in my mind -was when I did the Piercing Undead cover. I knew that if I failed then my chances of making it were done so I worked hard on that one and the end result is what I think springboarded me into getting the artist tag.
6) What are some of your favorite pieces from your own work?
It's hard to pick one. I am not one to say my art is amazing because I see flaws in it every time I look at it, but I would have to say the Zilla I drew, based on Godzilla. I found it on a website and I decided to try to draw it myself- that’s how I better myself if find drawing and try to do it myself. My other favorite is a female punk zombie I drew not too long ago, I have both of them posted on my art page on Facebook and Deviantart.