Hey guys, I've been meaning to update you all on the works I have going, so here we are :) Below you'll find a list of titles and a little info on each. Most are going to need a pretty good amount of effort to be completed but a few of these are as simple as completing a few points or polishing them to have them ready to get out the door. I hope you'll find them as interesting as I do and that you'll be just as invested in seeing them out.
Other Dangers: This is How the World Ends, Further Down the Spiral, and This Coming Darkness:
If you haven't already gotten to read Slipped Through you're going to want to get that done here in the next few months. This is How the World Ends is book two and you absolutely have to read each book in order for this series to make sense. Taking up where Henry left off ;) we enter the book itself and the story of how the world in which he's crash landed came to be what it is. We'll get to know our mysterious female lead of Slipped Through better and delve into some of her quirks with this one, also learning more about some of her closer compatriots and the dark figure who seems to haunt her. Further Down the Spiral and This Coming Darkness are books three and four, Spiral being relatively easy to get out around the same time as Darkness still having to be written. In Spiral we see what's going on with Henry and his companion while slipping back into the book for more information about how some of our stronger leads found themselves antiheroes in a world gone on from where our own stands. Henry has some tough choices and events to tackle in the coming books, getting home among them. I really hope you'll like seeing where things are going. With Darkness I plan to build things toward their peak, both with Henry's current situation and with the events in the book, where we should be hitting the final conflict and arriving at its conclusion. That is not to say that book four will be our last book per se, that remains to be seen.
Vast Ocean/Vast Sea:
If you've read Fearotica I'm sure you're familiar with my story"Vast Oceans" in which we find ourselves on an alien planet occupied by little more than one vast ocean and an island where the protagonist finds herself isolated after crash landing . Except she isn't really alone and things are far more complicated than she thought. The story ends shortly after she learns a bit about the only other living being with sentience, the book will go on from there and we'll see what else there is to their relationship and the world itself. I sort of consider this one my Lovecraftian gothic in space.
Night is Falling:
This one is also sci-fi horror,only a bit more terrestrial. Bobby is a man who stands out even among his people, being alone in most things and more perceptive than many, he isn't surprised to find himself the only one that sees what's happening to the people around him. An uncertain witness who finds himself doubted by the very people he hopes to save he can only watch and document it all hoping that it will come to some better end.
Hollow Black Corners of the Soul:
This is book four of the Shades of Midnight series. Don't worry fans, there is more to tell both through this book and beyond. Here we learn more about Mateo's own past, how he came to be in both Marie and Becca's lives, and what made him the monster he appears to be in Cool Green Waters. We also learn a bit more about Delamorte and his intentions for Katja and Raven, who we left on a bit of a cliffhanger in CGW. I've got a pretty big surprise or two in store with this series and its just a matter of time before I figure out how I want to tackle them.
I've been talking about this one on and off for a bit now. It started life as a completed short story I wrote in high school and has involved some of my most involved planning to make into a full novel. Hence the delays...bleh. Jodie is about a girl who went through some very traumatic events as a child and never quite grew up as a result. Now a teenager and very fond of her collection of dolls, her only friends in the world, she's about to see the results of those traumatic events coming to a head. Jodie isn't like anyone else, and that's never going to be more apparent than it will be when Ben decides he's done dealing with her. Also the story of a town, of dark secrets, the power of gossip, and the supernatural it has quite a bit going on for a book set in 70s rural Ohio. Killer dolls, telekinesis, first love, and the affects of trauma feature pretty strongly here.
Her Shadow Within:
This one's sort of a personal what if story and one that's meant to heal, hopefully with one of my own personal traumas, and those of readers who might have similar experiences. I do have to say it may be a book I have to find another publisher for or one that I do on my own because it has the most in common with the fantasy genre of all the possible places it could've fallen and JEA focused toward horror. If you know a good fantasy centered press I'm all ears!
Now for the plot. David is a little boy when his mom suddenly goes catatonic after the loss of his baby sister, lost and alone amid the loss of his mother and the grief of his father, he doesn't quite know how to connect with anyone and is afraid to trust bonding with his father out of fear he'll leave him too. Highly aware of everything and inexorably detached at once, he alone notices it when his mother wakens from her endless sleep and darts out into the night. Desperate to connect with her he follows her not knowing how he'll reach her, instead following her through some bushes and slipping into another world where nothing seems right and David must keep up with a mother who seems to have forgotten he was ever born.
Well, those are the books I know I have going and hope to complete withing the next couple years. Ideally, I'll be able to get a couple of them out in the next six months or so. Feel free to write me about these or any of my other titles currently on the market!